Don't Be a Victim of Heat-Related Illness
Every year I hear about someone passing out on the Pickleball courts due to heat exhaustion. This is a very serious condition and can easily become a life-threatening condition known as heat stroke. The best ways to avoid heat related illnessesHere are the symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke. Don't be caught being a victim of heat- illness is to avoid exercising in the heat, if possible. Most Pickleball players seem to play indoor Pickleball during the summer months in the South, but many are still on the courts in the summer.
Playing early in the day before the sun is at it's peak or in the evening is best. Avoid mid-day when the sun is strongest and the heat of the day saps your energy. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Check out my blog on dehydration and be sure to drink before, during and after you play. If you begin to feel any symptoms of heat exhaustion, immediately get off the courts and in a cool place. Drink more water and allow your body to cool down. Take it easy. You will probably be exhausted after an episode of heat exhaustion and this should make you aware of how important it is to stay out of the heat and to increase your fluids so as not to predispose yourself once again to heat-related illness.
Know the symptoms and treatment so you can be safe on and off the courts.
Be sure to hydrate well whenever you are participating in sports related activities.